Bike Shop For Sale
- Cycle n’ Surf is a well established business and has been trading for over 35 years.
- Unique/Niche business which offers bicycle and accessory sales, full workshop, bicycle hire (also e bikes)
- Surf board hire, boogie board hire and wets suit hire which no one else in town provide.
- Great location, walking distance to main beach and close to local bike tracks.
- Ample car parking easily accessible even during peak periods.
- Simplicity of running shop as a sole trader, no staff required.
- Potential Skate Park development across the road at Ford Oval
- All year round trading with workshop being a mainstay during winter months
- Profitable business which offers popular and well established bike brands
- Take advantage of the e bike boom over the coming years
- Trading five and a half days a week
- Live in a beautiful location and be your own boss
For more information about this business contact us